Chris Thomson

Hi, I’m Chris! Triathlete representing NZ, now living in Brisbane, Australia. Being Kiwi and now living in the heat, hydration is an important part of my performance. That is where Bindi comes in and does an amazing job to keep me performing at my peak!


Representing NZ at the Age Group World Champs in Rotterdam, Netherlands. After only 18 months in the sport. Gold Coast World Champs the following year. Taupo 70.3 NZ, one spot away from qualifying for World Champs at my first attempt. Waiting to attempt the 2nd still.....

No excuses, no regrets!

What Inspires You

Self motivation to represent my country, family and make them proud. Inspiration to show others they too can achieve their goals when they put their mind to it.

Big Goals

Top ten at Mooloolaba or Noosa and qualify for either 70.3 world champs or Kona.....

Nutrition Tips

It’s to late to hydrate during or just before the race. This will only impact your performance. Hydrate well at all times and maintain a good level of balance, this is the key to feeling good!

Chris's Favourite Bindi Products


Sports Hydration 420g Small

Sale! Bindilyte Tropical low carb Flavours

Bindilyte 120g

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