Clint Flood

Hey, I'm Clint. I'm a triathlete from Perth, Western Australia


In 2019 I raced Ironman 70.3 worlds in Nice, France and I am training to grab a slot to worlds in Taupo, New Zealand in 2022.

"It never gets easier, you just get faster" - Greg Lemond

What Inspires You

Seeing fellow athletes suffering out there

Big Goals

One day racing on the Big Island however not enjoying the wait to 50+ age group to manage to secure a slot.

Nutrition Tips

Always fuel as much as you can on the bike. Once you're in the red, there's no coming back!

Clint's Favourite Bindi Products


Sports Hydration 420g Small

Sale! Bindilyte Tropical low carb Flavours

Bindilyte 120g

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