Marley-Jo Collier

Hi, I'm Marley-Jo! I'm a triathlete and runner from Grafton, North Coast, NSW.


In 2017, I competed in fitness and sports model for ICN. I placed first in my category and competed at Nationals in Melbourne. In 2001, I represented NSW in 100m Freestyle at Nationals as a 17 Year old. I am currently training for Ironman 70.3 in Cairns.

Some people will judge you for changing, others will celebrate you for growing..choose your circle wisely

What Inspires You

My beautiful family, my three year old son Denver who is non verbal autistic and Loxley my little cyclone who is one year old. My very supportive husband, Chris who follows me around the country while I am competing and supporting me. I also train with two of my girlfriends, we love lifting each other up and supporting each other.

Big Goals

I want to race in the IM KONA and my short term goal is to do a 70.3 in Cairns and some Olympic distance triathlons throughout 2022

Nutrition Tips

I definitely am a big advocate for hydration. I have learnt that lesson the hard way so I really make sure I am keeping my fluids up and having small portion meals throughout the day for my energy stores. I always make sure I am fuelling my body with the right foods so that I can perform at my best

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